"The literature on school-level reform presents multiple studies on the complexities of school-level change, specifically school infrastructure arguments" (Baccellieri, 2010, p. 23). Research also shows that restructuring alone will not help (Baccellieri, 2010).
"The nature of relationships among the adults within a school is another critical factor related to the success of reform efforts" (Baccellieri, 2010, p. 23). Collaborative leadership practices are imperative.
Baccellieri (2010) states that some literature suggests that in order to make significant change in the culture of a school, multiple rather than a single reform strategy must be implemented so the reform will take hold.
In developing a framework aimed at improving teaching and learning leading to improved student
achievement, the five core principles as stated by Baccellieri (2010) are as follows:
- Improve student learning by improving classroom instruction...
- Improve classroom instruction through teacher learning of new knowledge, skills, and dispositions...
- Support teacher learning through professional learning communities...
- Structure professional learning communities by providing teachers with the time and resources to discuss student learning outcomes and how to improve those outcomes...
- Encourage shared discussion of standards-based formative assessments, including student writing, conducted in a professional learning community supported by multiple systems and structures, which can lead to changes in classroom practice. (p.31-32)
"Isolation is the enemy of improvement" (Baccellieri, 2010, p. 72).
In order for teacher meetings and collaborative efforts to improve teaching and learning, a climate of trust an mutual respect is vital. Curriculum consistency within and across grades is important and providing new instruction materials may be an important first step (Baccellieri, 2010).
Teachers need to have opportunities to talk about and reflect on their practices. These types of conversations foster change (Baccellieri, 2010).
"Acceptance of collective responsibility for improving teaching and learning is an important characteristic of a professional learning community" (Baccellieri, 2010, p. 121). Innovation with a view to improve student achievement is fundamental to gaining teachers' growing expertise and skill in a PLC (Baccellieri, 2010).
Data demonstrate that by making connections among the degree of rigor expected of the student
work, the focus for weekly grade-level team meetings, and teacher professional development
workshops, this reform has the potential to accelerate the quality of teacher conversations on
teaching and learning. (p. 146-147)
This approach also has the potential to providing educaaators the ability to address student learning needs today rather than waiting for the reform to become established (Baccellieri, 2010).
Baccellieri, P. (2010). Professional learning communities: Using data in decision making to improve student learning. Huntington Beach, CA: Shell Education.